“USU is an amazing opportunity to showcase talents whilst also raising money for such an important charity and cause. USU raises money for a small village called Uyogo in Tanzania. In the past few years we have raised money for things such as building new classrooms for Umiki Secondary School, providing bikes for girls to get to and from school safely, improving water systems to the village, and this year we are providing bikes for young boys with disabilities to ensure they too get to school safely.

I have taken part in every USU show since the start of my education at Kenilworth School and really love the whole experience every year. I am now a member of the USU Committee. I enjoy having an input into how USU is organised and being able to see the processes behind the scenes. The work this amazing charity does, is truly inspiring. I hope to continue to play a big part in USU as I move towards my final year at Kenilworth School, as I think it is an incredible cause.

- Heidi Franklin, Year 12 Member of the USU Committee


“USU is a special charity. It is managed superbly by Kenilworth School and Sixth Form students, and has made an incredible difference to communities across the world. The talent, dedication and professionalism of our students is centre stage during fundraising initiatives and events, and their drive to make a positive difference to others is a testament to their character.

- Mr. Ovenden, teacher and Year Head at Kenilworth School, and previous USU Coordinator

About us

USU (Urban Sounds for Uyogo) is a student led charity which hosts an annual set of events, organised and participated in by Kenilworth School and Sixth Form pupils.

Set up in 2004, the charity has had great success, raising over £100,000 since its launch.

Events take place all through the year, from our day on Rag Week, the annual USU shows, and specifically Africa Week, held in February, which is a week dedicated to USU and our charities. We have helped KUFL make huge progress in Uyogo - but there are still more ways we can help. The money we raise contributes to projects such as building water tanks and schools.


During the year, we get involved in many different types of fundraising events. You may have seen our USU stall at the Kenilworth Christmas Market and enjoyed our live talent shows over the years.

We also focus on educating Kenilworth School pupils on why we raise money for Uyogo, Tanzania, including workshops and videos created by sixth formers.


Africa Week

Africa Week is the highlight of our fundraising calendar. Taking place in February, the entire week is dedicated to USU fundraising. Lots of events and fundraising activities take place including Bake Sales, Tuck Shops, Daily Assemblies, Workshops, non-school Uniform Day and performances at lunch.

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Africa Week also includes our two main show events.

Urban Night

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Urban Nights is our main show. It is a celebration of talents from our Kenilworth School students. Every student gets the opportunity to audition to be part of the show or be on the backstage crew. The show includes a multitude of talents, including Singing, Dancing, Poetry, Acting, Stand up Comedy, and who can forget the “Balloon People”.

Swing Night


Swing Night is a chance for the ‘grown-ups’ (18+) to let their hair down. A night of dinner, dancing and live entertainment from out sixth-formers, for the parents, teacher, friends and in fact anyone who wants to enjoy a great night out whilst supporting our charities.