Urban Sounds for Uyogo support some incredible charities


Since 2004 we have raised over £100,000 for our charities by organising and holding events, including Africa Week in February, which is the highlight of our fundraising calendar.

The work that our amazing charities do, changes lives forever, and being part of helping to raise much needed funds to continue the work, is a postitive and uplifiting experience for all of the students who take part year after year.



Kenilworth-Uyogo-Freindship-Link exists for the protection of health, the relief of poverty and the advancement of education in the region Uyogo, Tanzania.



Extreme poverty won't end until everyone, everywhere has clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene. We're determined to make that happen within a generation.


Elephants for Africa

EFA is a charity committed to protecting the endangered African elephant through research and education, and working towards human-wildlife coexistence.

Projects funded includes:

/Bikes for girls
/Building schools
/Education equipment
/Wildlife conservation
/Clean water and sanitation

We at USU believe every girl deserves the right to a safe journey to school.

Students are dropping out of school due to the long, dangerous trek they have to make every single morning and night. USU has successfully provided every single schoolgirl with a free bike and a safer journey to school, all thanks to your generous donations and contributions to shows and events.

Real voices, real lives.

As well as the bike project this year, USU has also worked hard to help provide another classroom in the primary school in Umiki so more children can access the education we in the committee take so easily for granted. It’s so rewarding to see real people in these videos and the impact directly our work has on the whole community.

Some of the projects we have supported

Umiki School Farm

Elephants for Africa



Kasela Primary - Netball

Kasela Primary School

Fresh water - wells